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I’m celebrating YOU and your decision to make yourself and your life & relationship happiness a priority by registering for the REAL TALK for REAL WOMEN Coaching Call!
Carving time out for yourself is always beneficial!
It’s these experiences of self-focus where we can access the support and guidance to be able to voice our concerns and questions that allow for the insight, healing, new perspective and resolve we’re needing.
Get what you need!
Show up to the call with a pen and paper. Bring your life and relationship questions and get ready for an ever insightful, uplifting, enlightening and always interesting experience of REAL TALK for REAL WOMEN!
If it’s on your mind, we’ll be talking about it!
The call-in details will be emailed to you the day of the call.
I’m looking forward to talking with you then!
Also be sure to connect with me here…

REAL TALK for REAL WOMEN Coaching Call Life Coach