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Breakthrough Your Blocks Ebook

Congratulations on taking this step to start getting unstuck today!

Feeling powerless, blocked and confused by situations or circumstances in your life is not necessary and I want to help you change that right now.

The 3 simple breakthrough strategies I’ve included here from my e-book Breakthrough Your Blocks ~ Strategies to Creating Your Right Life & Relationship have resulted in significant shifts in the lives of hundreds of my clients that were ready to live, love and be loved well.

By applying these simple but transformative tools you too will experience a subtle shift within that initiates a transformative ripple effect of shifts in your life, relationships and abundance to create new possibility, opportunity, experience and momentum that you desire and some that you don’t yet know you desire!

Let’s get started!

To help you get the most out of this excerpt, I want to share with you a fundamental truth that is essential for you to know in your heart if you are to change your life, your relationship or your abundance or all three.

That truth is…the Universe does not respond to what you say or even what you do.

It responds to how you FEEL.

This is why admonishing yourself into “thinking positive” never really got you the lasting results you wanted. To begin to really change your life, you need to take it one step further.

You need to FEEL the emotions of the results you desire in your life, relationship and abundance.

It’s all about the emotion.

And if you think about it, isn’t that the experience you are really desiring anyway?

You want to improve the circumstances in your life to FEEL more alive, you want to have a relationship to FEEL more love and you want abundance to FEEL safe, secure and empowered. Every experience you desire is really a desire to FEEL a certain emotion.

By understanding and applying this essential knowledge you will remove huge barriers of frustration and futility freeing yourself to begin experiencing with greater ease the fulfilling life, love and abundance that you crave and are ready for because you will be aligning YOUR energy with the natural laws of the Universe rather than working against them.

The Universe responds to what you FEEL because the operating system of the Universe…everything in the Universe INCLUDING YOU…is energy.

Emotion is Energy in Motion: E-Motion.

And E-MOTION is how we communicate with the Universe.

Everything in the Universe is energy in motion in varying frequencies of velocity with denser, heavier objects having a slower vibrational frequency and lighter objects having a higher vibrational frequency. As your E-MOTIONS are Energy in Motion they follow this same Universal Law with heavy E-MOTIONS having a slower vibrational frequency and lighter E-MOTIONS having a higher vibrational frequency.

As like energy attracts like energy, lower E-MOTIONS attract lower vibrational experiences, objects and people and higher E-MOTIONS attract higher vibrational experiences, objects and people.

You can tell your most dominant vibrational frequency by the quality of circumstances of your life. This is not to cast blame or shame. Rather it is to empower you with the information that YOU have more control over the circumstances in your life than maybe you previously believed or were aware.

It is a Universal truth that you can radically shift the circumstances in your life using your E-MOTIONAL frequency.

This is vastly different than the struggle you experience when trying to force the circumstances or people in your life to change so you can feel better.

So Why is this important?

Because by changing how you FEEL you can align your emotional vibrational frequency to the higher vibrational frequency of the experience, opportunity, relationship or abundance you desire and attract it into your life with ease and without struggle.


This is the equivalent of turning the dial on the radio up to meet the frequency of the radio station so that you can experience the music.

To experience the music of your life you turn the dial of your vibrational frequency up using E-MOTION to meet the frequency of the higher vibrational experiences, objects and people.

The quality of your thoughts are therefore important because your thoughts generate your e-motions and your e-motions determine your vibrational frequency and your vibrational frequency determines the quality of the experiences you attract or attune to.

It begins with the thought but it must proceed to a tangible E-MOTION in the body to begin to initiate real and lasting change in your life.

Now that you understand how powerful and important your E-MOTIONS are in creating your right life and relationship, you are ready to learn three simple breakthrough strategies excerpted from my e-book. These subtle but powerful strategies will help you shift your energy to start getting unstuck today and on your way to creating the new results you desire in your life, your relationship and your abundance.


Breakthrough Strategy One – Set the E-MOTIONAL Tone of Your Day

Before you even open your eyes in the morning, rather than scanning your brain for everything you need to do or the things that ignite stress or worry make the CONSCIOUS DECISION to set the e-motional vibrational frequency or tone of your day by declaring YOUR INTENTION for HOW you want to FEEL as you move through your tasks and your day.

Embody it, own it, claim it, wear it, become it with the declaration “Today I AM…”

inspired/serene/romatic/creative/abundant/sexy/radiant/peaceful/healthy/vibrant/smart/ strong/divine/fun/daring/whole/content/magical/loved/fulfilled/blessed/grateful/calm/ centered/ grounded/courageous/decisive/relaxed/elated/nourished/a supreme Manifestor!

Everything after “I AM” always needs to feel uplifting and resonate in your body. So consciously decide how you desire to feel inside your body for the day, place one hand on your heart and one hand on your low belly to connect with your significant energy centers and state your declaration to connect to the E-MOTIONS(s) you intend to FEEL as you move through your day. You will be delighted and amazed with the ripple effect of this simple strategy.

Breakthrough Strategy Two – Quantum Shift Your Energy

Instead of thinking to your Self:

“Why can’t I…make more money…find the love of my life…have a successful career… be loved…be happy …have what I want…?”

Say to your Self

“Why is it so easy for me to…make more money…find the love of my life…have a successful career… be loved…be happy …have what I want…?”

Feel the quantum shift in your energy! You are instantly vibrating at a whole other frequency with the revised declaration.

Thoughts generate e-motion, e-motion generates your vibrational frequency and your vibrational frequency attracts like vibrational frequency.

What you e-mote you attract. Because the Universe deals in the currency of e-motion.

Using this simple breakthrough strategy you will begin attracting into your life the experiences you previously struggled to achieve.

Breakthrough Strategy Three – Crack the Code on Your Beliefs

In early childhood your subconscious was programmed by your experiences. This programming forms the beliefs you unconsciously continue to operate out of in your life today. If you find yourself bumping up against the same situation in your life it will benefit you to crack the code on the belief causing this struggle, limitation, confusion or repeating pattern that is keeping you stuck.

Start by asking your Self “What do I believe about my Self? What do I believe about the world?”

If you find painful, limiting beliefs, such as “I believe I am not loved/not capable/not strong/not enough” take this belief to its opposite or to the belief you want to believe and apply this simple breakthrough baby step…

“I am beginning to believe…I am lovable/capable/strong/enough”

This small but significant breakthrough baby step will begin to open your subconscious mind to new possibility and loosen its grip on the old limiting programming freeing you to begin to live, love and be loved in the way you desire in the life that is waiting, available and meant precisely for you.

For Further Support…

  • Visit the upcoming Resources section on my website for complimentary downloads
  • Interact with me and like minded soul supporters over on my Blog
  • Email me to share the results you have experienced from implementing the above breakthrough strategies – I love to hear all about it!
  • Join the Coach On Call live monthly call-in coaching call where you can get your questions answered – the call is FREE but pre-registration is necessary to receive the call-in info. Details about registration coming soon.
  • Become a member of the SOUL Spa Inner Coaching Circle a monthly group coaching tele-class and calming energy meditation for busy women who want to experience the nurturing of coaching and community to stress less, live more and be nourished emotionally, mentally, spiritually and energetically in the camaraderie of other soulful women. Details about registration coming soon.
  • Schedule a Complimentary Clarity Consult – this is a 20 minute complimentary phone session in which you bring your questions, queries and challenges and I apply laser focus coaching techniques to bring clarity to your situation, uncover patterns that are causing struggle and identify self limiting beliefs blocking your fulfillment so you can leave the session renewed with clarity for your next step. CONTACT ME to schedule your Complimentary Clarity Consult

Supporting you in living your life by design not by default.

