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Are You Cheating Yourself Of Joy?


Last weekend, for our 15th anniversary Dennis and I went away to stay at one of our favourite Airbnbs. A spectacular heritage home with three different rental suites.

The first time we stayed there was last year for our anniversary. We stayed in the rental called the Rose Suite and found it so beautiful and relaxing, that Dennis actually slept until nearly noon! He has a ranch, he’s up early everyday to feed the animals. In all the fourteen years we’d been together, I’ve never seen him sleep like that!

We were both so well rested after that stay, we booked the Rose Suite again for last New Years.

For this anniversary we booked the Oak Suite to have a new experience.

But I found myself comparing the Oak suite to the Rose suite and being critical of some of the art and furniture not being consistent with the era of the home (design runs deep in my bones!) and then also criticizing the pillows on the bed.

Dennis said, “I’m sorry you’re disappointed with this suite, babe.”

I did a self check.

I realized I was so enthralled with the Rose Suite that I was not appreciating the Oak Suite. I was missing out on the joy that could only be experienced in the Oak Suite.

Like the pillows I’d been complaining about, that I slept so soundly on I woke myself up drooling three times!

And when I woke in the morning and opened my eyes, I was greeted by stunning 10 foot ceilings with gorgeous oak beams and crown moldings. I thought, “How wonderful to wake up to this spectacular large room built in 1908 with such craftsmanship and detail. I don’t wake up to this beauty everyday!”

I was literally cheating myself out of the joy of this experience because I was comparing it instead of savoring it!

And with that I couldn’t stop gushing over every gorgeous detail of the spectacular suite; the intricate antique rugs, the south facing, sun dappled covered porch and the 9 foot, oak sliding, pocket doors that I drew closed to separate the living area from the sleeping quarters, while I brewed a chai latte and Dennis slept as deeply as he did in the Rose Room!

Sometimes, like I did, we all need a little self check.

And so I ask you, are you cheating yourself of joy?

Are you letting yourself get caught up in criticism or comparison and cheating yourself out of the joy of the present experience? Out of the joy in the present if you look for it?

You deserve joy. You deserve to feel good. Your life is meant to feel good.

If you struggle to believe that, stay tuned to this newsletter. It’s my mission to help you love yourself and believe in all the good you deserve, so that you can get the most living out of your life.

And it’s why I’ve opened up applications for my DARE TO BE WHO YOU WANT, GET WHAT YOU WANT MASTERCLASS. It’s a three month masterclass offered once a year to a small group of women who are ready to truly upgrade their lives, relationships and prosperity, claim the clarity and the confidence to finally be their true selves and unapologetically live the life they came here to live!

It begins in January. Get the details and APPLY HERE.

To Your Joy!


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