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Please take a moment to celebrate taking this positive step for yourself and your personal life satisfaction!

Experiencing yourself and your life more fully, confidently and joyfully is really the WHOLE point! And the way we do that is moment-by-moment, decision-by-decision.

So I’m extremely excited you’ve decided to do this for yourself and that in our 90 minutes together, I’m going to help you take those moments and turn them into moments that make a difference for you!

To prepare for our session so that we can make the most of our 90 minutes together, please fill out the information below.

Please note that all information is held in confidentiality with the exception of the following Ethical Limitations to Confidentiality (1) when disclosure is required to prevent clear and imminent danger to yourself or others (2) when legal requirements demand that confidential material be revealed (3) when a child is in need of protection.

  • Your DEEP DIVE PRIVATE SESSION is 90 minutes of focused time, just for you and I, where you bring ONE very specific or pressing situation or challenge you are struggling with...would like support with...would like to shift, understand, make a decision about...OR would like to stop feeling conflicted, confused, agitated, worried or stressed about.