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Give Yourself ‘A George Bailey Moment’


It’s a Wonderful Life is my all time favorite movie.

I was 12 years old, babysitting down the street at a neighbor’s who had cable, and searching for something to watch late at night until the parents came home, when I stumbled across this old black and white movie that immediately captivated me.

It was love at first watch.

There is so much I love about it; Jimmy Stewart, Donna Reed, the old fashioned flirting between George Bailey and Mary Hatch, the walk home and wish ‘under the light of the moon,’ the drafty old house they turn into their family home, ‘Clarence’ the Angel, Zuzu’s petals and that every time a bell rings, an Angel gets their wings.

But what impacted me the most, that night back in 1983 and still today, on this, the 75th Anniversary of It’s A Wonderful Life’s premier, is the premise of how none of us truly knows the impact of our life on others’ lives.

When George wishes he had never been born, Clarence shows him an alternate reality in which George never existed.

  • Bedford Falls is now Pottersville, a rundown town of crime, bars, and amoral people.
  • The pharmacist, Mr. Gower was imprisoned for manslaughter, since George didn’t stop him from putting poison in the medicine.
  • Bailey Park, the subdivision of family homes, is instead a cemetery, where George finds his brother Harry’s grave.
  • Since George did not save Harry, Harry did not save the soldiers on the transport.
  • Without any children, George’s mother runs a boarding house alone.
  • Uncle Billy was institutionalized after the Building and Loan failed.
  • And George discovers that Mary is alone and fearful of life and of him.

Realizing the impact of his life, George begs Clarence for his life back.

I think we would all do that if we TRULY knew the impact of our life on the lives of those we love and those we will never know.

You matter. Your life matters. It’s so much bigger than you can ever know.

You are a pebble that creates a far reaching ripple in the grand pond of this life and future lives.

How you treat yourself, is the basis of that ripple.

So this holiday season, intentionally be more kind to yourself, allow yourself more ease, let go of needing things to be perfect, savor the joy, look for the magic, count the tiny miracles, immerse yourself in the moment, laugh, love and appreciate yourself.

Give yourself ‘A George Bailey Moment’ to consider that you are a miracle and your life is a far reaching miracle, of which you will never know the true magnitude.

Thank you for being here and being you!

Much Love & Merry Christmas to You And Your Family!


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