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Prospering Joyfully One-To-One Private Coaching Program

Private Coaching is the beginning of YOU looking after YOU.
This is only FOR YOU. And all ABOUT YOU.

And isn’t it time already?

If anything in your life or relationship is going to improve, if you are ever going to truly get the life and love your heart longs for, if you’re going to be the woman you came here to be, then it HAS to be only FOR YOU. And all ABOUT YOU!

This is the end of playing small, putting yourself last and NOT REALLY LIVING YOUR LIFE!

You didn’t come here to suffer or settle or make do or live a half lived life.

You don’t want to get to the end of your life and realize you missed out on REALLY LIVING it.

You want to get to the end of your life and say “DAMN, THAT WAS FANTASTIC!! I lived and loved EXACTLY how I wanted to!

I was the WOMAN I wanted to be. I KNEW and TRUSTED myself, I LOVED and CARED for myself. I gave myself what I needed to PROSPER. I experienced LOVE and PASSION and JOY! I lived a RICH and BEAUTIFUL LIFE!!

Do you know what’s amazing about YOU living your life this way?

It’s that YOU impact and improve others’ lives.

It’s a fact that when ONE woman’s life is improved, it impacts the lives of MANY.

Because when a woman prospers mentally, emotionally, energetically and financially, her children, her family and her community benefit directly from that.

When YOU prosper mentally, emotionally and energetically, YOU are able to support your children, spouse and family mentally, emotionally and energetically.

When YOU prosper financially, YOU are able to provide financially for your children, spouse and family.

This spirals out into your community, as each of YOU thrives.

When you take care of YOU, you take care of MANY.

This is why YOU matter.

It’s why your JOY and WELL BEING matter.

It’s why it’s not selfish to care for YOURSELF. It’s responsible.

Because if YOU…

  • are suffering in any way
  • are feeling like you are missing out on the life or the love you want
  • are struggling silently, pretending to be happy when inside you’re feeling alone and hurting
  • feel guilty because you should be happy, but you’re not
  • are stuck in confusion, fear or self doubt
  • sometimes you don’t really like yourself much


  • life feels hard
  • panic startles you awake in the middle of the night
  • there are days that feel really hard to get up and face the day


  • worry about your future
  • are so tired of trying to figure it out on your own
  • have a lot of obligation and responsibility caring for others
  • typically come last or not at all


  • are in a loveless relationship or you love someone else
  • want love, but fear rejection and being hurt again


  • want a better life, but don’t know what you want or where to start
  • are living anything less than the life you want

Then it’s time for YOU to start getting what you need to:

  • Be supported
  • Identify and release the outdated protective patterns and coping mechanisms hindering you
  • Establish renewed inner trust and create a loving relationship with yourself
  • Learn how to reset your nervous system to feel safe and secure

So YOU Can…

  • Heal
  • Release fear, self doubt, self sabotage and limiting beliefs
  • Let go of the social conditioning convincing you you’re not good enough
  • Discover genuine self love, acceptance and even appreciation
  • Experience the clarity and confidence to truly know what your heart wants, without feeling guilt, shame, or that you’re greedy, selfish, self-centered or being too full of yourself

Whatever it is you desire…
real satisfaction, true love, fulfilling success, a rewarding career, unlimited abundance, captivating creativity, personal freedom, miraculous grace, genuine ease and beautiful objects and experiences into your life… it is meant for you.

You came to this life to PROSPER JOYFULLY!

Together we will help YOU claim it and allow YOURSELF to have it!

The Prospering Joyfully Private Coaching Program Includes:

  • Personalized Support
  • One-To-One Focus
  • Customized Strategies
  • Step-By-Step Tools Tailored Specifically To Your Situation, Needs and Desires

Private Sessions are conducted by phone or Zoom so location and parking 😉 are never a problem!

Each session is 55 minutes and sessions are scheduled weekly or bi-weekly depending on scheduling, availability and the personal self work required between sessions.

The Prospering Joyfully Private Coaching Program is Available In Two Payment Options:

To Get Started EMAIL ME HERE with which payment option you prefer and I will be in touch to arrange payment, send you your intake form and schedule your first session.

I look forward to talking with you soon!