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You’re registered for the FREE 5 Day Online Class SLOWING DOWN TO SPEED UP!

And you have been automatically entered into the draw for the chance to WIN A FREE PRIVATE ONE-TO-ONE 90 MINUTE DEEP DIVE COACHING SESSION with me. The winner will be drawn on May 10th! Best of luck!

So you can mark the dates and times for the two live classes in your calendar they are…

  • Monday May 7th at 6 pm PST // 7 pm MT // 8 pm CT // 9 pm ET
  • Thursday May 10th at 6 pm PST // 7 pm MT // 8 pm CT // 9 pm ET

The classes can be attended on your phone or via a link on your computer that I’ll email to you prior to each class.

{The classes will be recorded if you’re not able to make them live. But I really hope you do, because everyone in attendance of each class gets their name added AGAIN to the draw for the FREE PRIVATE ONE-TO-ONE 90 MINUTE DEEP DIVE COACHING SESSION with me! So with your registration and attendance of both classes you get 3 CHANCES to win!! Plus if you’re live you get to ask me your specific questions AND get them answered in real time!!}

And now join me over on my private Facebook group Imperfect & Unapologetic {I & U} to get immediate access to PRE-CLASS BONUSES I have already posted over there!

See you there! And see you in class on May 7th!

xo Jodi