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You’ll LOVE This! A lot.

Life is hectic. I know you know ALL about that. Which is why I wanted to share this with you. It’s been a quality-of-life game changer for myself and so many of my clients. I refer to it as a habit for next-level living – that’s how good it is!

It’s called Self-Care Sunday.

This came about because I recognized how myself and my clients were doing ‘all-the-things’ to have a better quality of life, but we weren’t actually taking the time to enjoy that quality of life.

We were breezing right through one week of ‘have-to’s’ right into another week, without taking the time to enjoy the fruits of our past week’s labor and get recharged for the coming week.

We needed a conscious and intentional breather from one week to the next. A time to recharge our batteries and enjoy the life we worked the other 6 days a week to create! 

And so Self-Care Sunday became the solution. And it took off like wildfire! Once, that is, we acknowledged that “Yeah, I kinda could    use a break” and then GAVE OURSELVES PERMISSION to claim Self-Care Sunday FOR ourselves.

And when you do that for yourself, you will discover what EVERY one of my ‘Self-Care Sunday’ clients and myself have discovered…YOU BECOME A BETTER YOU. Because the YOU that is recharged, rested and rejuvenated, the YOU that has claimed the time for herSelf, to do something FOR herSelf is happier, more relaxed, more present, more creative, more fun – the REAL YOU you ARE and WANT to be – when you’re not stressed, harried and running on fumes!

The comments I consistently get from women who have incorporated Self-Care Sunday into their weekly routine are pretty similar to this one I received recently…

“I wish I’d done this sooner! Giving myself permission to do this was one of the best things I’ve done for myself in a while. I’ve been doing Self-Care Sunday for a month now and I’m a much happier person, even my family has noticed! I look forward to MY time on Sunday and have found it’s even made a difference in helping me feel better starting a new week, which I’m grateful for because I used to really dread it. Thanks for the idea and the encouragement!”

How you do Self-Care Sunday is totally up to you. Some women claim the whole day, some part of the day and some plan one thing for themselves that recharges and uplifts them. It could be something relaxing, something fun, something you do with yourself or with others – the point is that it’s NOT a task to complete anything, it’s anything YOU CHOOSE TO DO FOR YOU….

…read a page-turning novel…binge watch your latest guilty pleasure on Netflix…have a sea salt bath…go for a hike…go to the movies…go for coffee…go to yoga…write in your journal…plant flowers…paint…craft…nap…catch up reading your magazines…or do all of the above!

Whatever you choose to do and for how long is completely up to you. Just be sure to…

  • Plan it ahead of time (so you don’t get sidetracked or resist it because you don’t know what to do)
  • Make sure it’s something you can look forward to the rest of the week (anticipation of expected good is really good for your mood and productivity)
  • Make sure whatever you choose, it’s something that when you’re doing it, you lose track of time (this is what neuroscientists call “being in flow” and it’s a proven, non-negotiable component for a well lived life – mentally, physically and emotionally)  

The point is for it to recharge and uplift you, not overwhelm you, so keep it simple and doable. And before you know it you’ll be enjoying a whole day of Self-Care Sunday satisfaction!!

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