Does your life feel the way you want it to feel?

When I read The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte  for the first time, it changed how I felt about ME, my life and what was possible for ME and MY LIFE.

Very subtly The Desire Map shifted the relationship I have with my Self.

Before The Desire Map came into my life I knew I wanted to be more compassionate, accepting…loving with myself, but I wasn’t able to do that consistently.

The Desire Map was the process that helped me effortlessly slide into a new pattern, a new relationship with myself. It changed the way I spoke to myself. I went from having an incessant inner dialogue that was intolerant, impatient and critical to a radically different inner voice that was accepting, patient and compassionate.

I moved from being my own biggest critic, to being my own biggest ally.

With this inner struggle gone I experienced an inner peace I can honestly say I had never felt before, at least not in my adult life. And with less angst and the resulting inner calm and quiet I began to notice, with compassion and open curiosity how I was feeling. REALLY feeling. Not should be feeling. But HOW I was truthfully, genuinely feeling.

For someone who had been disconnected from her body, numb to how she really felt, used to stuffing down and ignoring her emotions so as not to inconvenience anyone, this radically opened up my world.

It was like coming home to me. It WAS coming home TO ME. It was like the light came on in my black and white world of feeling either ‘good’ (or more accurately ‘fine’) or feeling ‘bad’ (about myself, about my life) and now I had discovered a whole new variety of techno-color emotions. Emotions that felt…truthful, accurate, LIBERATING! Because it was HOW I TRULY FELT.

For the first time in a VERY long time, maybe ever I KNEW HOW I FELT.

This was revolutionary for me. I ACTUALLY knew how I was feeling. Not what someone expected me to be feeling, not what was ‘appropriate’ to be feeling, but WHAT I ACTUALLY FELT.

It was freedom, it was empowerment. It was ME coming around to meet ME. And I liked it. I liked it A LOT! It felt good to be my own best friend after a very long time of not being a friend to myself.

Suddenly I was no longer alone in the world. I had me.

The Desire Map taught me how to not only experience how I was feeling but begin to consciously decide HOW I wanted to feel in my day, my life, in my relationships, my life’s work, my home, my body, with my money, as a mother, a friend, a woman.DM Core DEsired Feelings

Every aspect of my life was touched and made better through the process of The Desire Map.

The Desire Map isn’t just intellectual theory. It actually walks you through the process of practically (+ soulfully) creating a life that you actually want to live, connected to people, experiences and things that you actually want to be connected to.

It is one of the most effective, practical and easily applicable tools I have found for transforming your relationship to your Self that creates a domino effect of enhancing, clarifying and refining every other area of your life.

It seems obvious, doesn’t it? Of course you want to feel good in your life, in your relationships, in your career, in your body and in your soul!

But the thing is many of us aren’t living that way. We’re fixated on what others think we should do. We’re pushing ourselves to meet someone else’s expectations or even more exhausting, we’re trying to please the inner critic within.

And in all that striving to meet our own and other people’s expectations, a lot of us have lost ourselves. The process of The Desire Map is the pathway to finding your Self again.

The Desire Map gave me the process to step out of this pattern onto my own life track, living consciously in the present moment feeling the way I want to feel while also moving toward a future that feels right for me too.

Because of the profound impact The Desire Map has had on my life when Danielle said she was creating a Licensing program so that facilitators could teach this material, I jumped in with both feet because I know the power of this process and I want you to know it too.

So… I am thrilled to announce that I’m an official Desire Map Licensee (cue the confetti!).

I’m preparing to host my next The Desire Map experience.

If you’d like to join me CLICK HERE  for more details.

It’s never too late to live a life that feels good. A life that you consciously choose and design based on your own Core Desired Feelings.

The process of The Desire Map will help you to connect to and define YOUR personal Core Desired Feelings. The process is not complicated but its impact in your life will be deep and far reaching.

I’d like to help you uncover those Core Desired Feelings so you can start building a life of your own design.

To get all the juicy details and be the first to know about the next The Desire Map experience CLICK HERE.