Are you truly living your life now?
Or are you waiting to live it ‘someday’?
Your limiting beliefs and hidden fears will never
allow you to live the rich, joyful life you crave.
It's time to release what's holding you back,
so you can truly begin living today!
Because when you get to the end of your life
and look back - you don't get a do-over.
Picture this…
It’s less than 90 days from now and…
You’re sleeping better
Your nervous system is calmer
You feel safe in your body
You like yourself more
You feel more excited about life than you have in a very long time
And the best part is…
You finally know it’s safe for you to be happy and that it’s possible for you to have a joyful life
You’ve reconnected to your soul, your truth, your intuition and your desires
You’re experiencing greater clarity, ease and abundance
You’ve unlocked more confidence and a new capacity for joy
You’re being more generous with yourself, considerate and accepting
You’ve having real fun, smiling and laughing more and genuinely enjoying yourself
You know without a doubt that it’s not too late to have what you truly want
You’re excited for it and know it’s your time to live
And you have the knowledge, tools, new life strategies, healthy coping mechanisms, support and guidance to do it!
Welcome to the
Private Coaching Program
A Private One-to-One 3 MONTH Mentorship Program
To help you reconnect to your inner calm, clarity, confidence, inner knowing and self trust
Where you’ll heal your overtaxed nervous system
Release long held limited and painful beliefs
Forgive yourself for the times you’ve hated and abandoned yourself
Find new inner peace
Establish new self understanding, compassion and healing
Discover a renewed joy for your life and all its possibilities
Feel alive and excited to make the rest of your life, the best of your life!
Let’s dream together about a new life experience where…
...You’re excited for a life that feels comforting, rich and abundant.
...You've left behind proving your worthiness with struggle, sacrifice and settling.
....And have stepped into a new ease and way of being that feels safe, secure and divinely supported.
You’ve made yourself a priority in your life.
...You’ve learned how to let yourself feel safe receiving love, abundance, self care, time and your own acceptance.
...Parts of you that have felt empty, alone and shameful now feel nurtured, understood and cherished.
You’ve released fear, worry, overwhelm and numbness for healthier coping strategies.
...You experience new clarity, where you honor yourself and make confident decisions on your own behalf.
...You take up space in your life, no longer hiding, compromising or feeling invisible.
Your emotions, like your smile, are genuine. Not a cover up.
...You’ve traded resentment for empowerment.
...Self doubt for self affirmation.
...And allowed the tightness in your body to unfurl, to breathe deeply, feel your worth and embrace your power.
You’ve given yourself permission to manifest what you deeply want and now know how to do it.
...You’ve embodied joy so much, you now know it’s your birthright.
...You no longer question, justify, apologize or feel guilty for being boundlessly, authentically joyful… or yourself.
This does not have to be a dream,
If this stirs emotion in you, that's your wise self whispering
"Yes please!"
Here’s What You'll Get
9 Private One-to-One 55 Minute Coaching Zoom Sessions with Jodi
Each call is recorded and emailed to you so that you can be fully present for the call, then review any aha's, insights, personal discoveries and recoveries, as well as any recommendations and next steps.
What is CCT™ Energy Therapy?
CCT™ Energy Therapy or Crystalline Consciousness Technique Energy Therapy
Is particularly beneficial in resetting your nervous system, by switching off your fight, flight, freeze or fawn
response and allowing your central nervous system to deeply settle.
This alone brings you immense comfort, relaxation and a feeling of deep centered safety.
From here, your nervous system can be reoriented to function in service to you,
rather than in overdrive, spiraling you into anxiety, worry and overwhelm.
With personalized CCT™ Energy Therapy you’ll find yourself feeling calmer, clearer and centered.
Tremendous release, healing and insights take place in these private and magical sessions.
Meaningful emotional and energetic shifts happen. New information is accessed. New possibilities are revealed.
These sessions smooth the path to change, activate support and ignite new passion for your life.
In addition, many clients report experiencing relief from headaches, migraines, panic attacks, body aches,
exhaustion, brain fog and insomnia as a result of CCT™ Energy Therapy sessions.
If you find yourself…
Experiencing the same disappointments, frustrations and challenges
Staying with what’s familiar but painful or unsatisfying out of fear of the unknown
Saying you’re ‘fine’ when you’re really not
If you feel that…
Nobody really understands
Your friends are getting tired of hearing about your struggles or situation
You don’t know what else to do
If You’re ready to…
Trust yourself
Leave your old anxious way of existing behind
Demote your fearful mind and promote your wise soul
Stop hiding, shrinking, censoring, limiting, doubting and abdicating your power
Become a match for more ease, love, abundance and joy
Experience true freedom, trust, alignment and expansion.
Then you’ll find relief and create new life experiences for yourself by giving yourself the support and guidance of Private Mentorship.
You’ve shown up for everyone else and now it’s time to show up for yourself.
It's time to get out of this life what you came here to be, do and have.
Click the link below now & schedule a 20 minute free chat to see what's possible!
There is never any obligation to make a purchase.
And if I'm not the right coach for you or I don't believe I can help you, I'll tell you that.
Time is BOTH of our most precious commodity, I believe in using it to it's greatest good.
So I will never waste your time or mine.
As with all relationships, it's got to work for both of us, or it doesn't work.
When you choose Private Coaching for yourself you are…
Taking care of yourself
Taking charge of your life
Taking your power back
In the process of Private Personal Coaching you will experience feeling…
Seen, Heard, Valued, Understood, Supported and Inspired
there is absolutely nothing wrong with you.
You have very good reasons for showing up in your life the way you do.
There are things, like trauma you’ve experienced and faulty beliefs learned that are keeping you from living the life you want,
as the woman you want to be.
This causes you to act unconsciously, as you act and react from conditioning, fear and your fight, flight, freeze or fawn response.
This is always driven by an unconscious, but very real, basic and essential attempt to feel safe, loved and accepted.
This never means you’re broken, flawed or damaged.
It simply means that if you’re not experiencing the results you want in your life...’s time to learn more about yourself, recognize what’s getting in your way,
learn new empowering life strategies and coping mechanisms for feeling safe,
so that you can be conscious and in control of yourself and your results, rather than being controlled by unconscious fear.
If you want a better life, where you feel loved and abundant and excited, then it’s time to learn
how to care about and care for yourself, without guilt or shame.
It’s time to learn how to feel safe without compromising yourself.
Because to the degree that you feel safe, is the degree that you can heal, grow and prosper.
Feeling safe is the essential basis to a life well lived.
Feeling safe is the foundation that you will build your beautiful & desired life upon.
From your foundation of feeling safe and secure, you can consciously choose your life
and be who you want to be, living your life how you want to live it.
In the
RECONNECT Private Coaching Program
I will help you establish a new self understanding of who you are,
what’s in your way, what you need, what you want and what will help you to flourish.
There are 3 Payment Options Available for the the 3 Month RECONNECT Private Mentorship Program
Click the link below now & schedule a 20 minute free chat to get started!
Often the hardest part of getting started is admitting that it’s time for change and that we need help.
I know you’re a determined woman.
I know you’ve tried so many things to fix this yourself.
And that you’re very good at being there for other people.
And helping them solve their struggles.
But sometimes we all need help.
It doesn’t mean you’ve failed or that you’re not capable.
All it means that it’s time to help yourself
in a new way.
It’s time to get support and access a fresh, new and impartial perspective to help you see what's too close for you to see yourself.
Because our blocks, just like our solutions,
are hidden in plain sight.
And it takes someone else to help us see what we can’t see.
Because all we can see, is what we already know, believe
and understand.
It’s why, even though you’ve done everything you know to do,
it hasn’t changed or made it better.
You need new information and insight
to begin to see yourself and your life differently.
Confidentially helping women...
sort through the complexity of emotions they’re experiencing to arrive at the clarity of what they really want, really need and how to get it, so they can be who they want, and have the joy, love, security, confidence, success, relationships, money, abundance, freedom and the life that is meant for them - the life their heart desires - is the work I do and am best known for as a Master Certified Women's Life Coach.
As your Personal Private Mentor...
I bring 14 years experience teaching women how to trust in themselves, know their worth and believe in their right to create and allow rich, satisfying, joy filled lives for themselves. I combine this with the advanced life strategies, tools, skills, knowledge and education of being a Master Certified Coach.
And I pull from my own highly developed intuition and insights along with 50+ years of personal experience triumphing over trauma, depression, divorce, loss, debilitating self-doubt, health challenges and toxic relationships to support you in knowing and loving yourself, getting really clear on what you want and uncovering your path to it.
With the life strategies and coping mechanisms I have learned, practice and teach, I now know - and love - who I am and what I want out of my life, and most importantly, how to manifest it.
And I'll teach you to do the same!
Along with these advanced life, relationship and manifestation tools, skills, strategies and new coping mechanisms, I'll also give you honest feedback, an impartial perspective, new insight and ways to see yourself and your life and relationships. I'll give you personal support, guidance and the accountability to finally create and live the life you want, as the woman you want to be.
You'll learn new and advanced techniques to release stress, fear and settle your fight or flight response, so that you can operate from a regulated nervous system, feel embodied safety and security, and access a new level of calm and empowered clarity and centeredness.
It’s time to stop blaming yourself and struggling with this alone.
It’s your turn to get what you need, to be who you want, and have what you want. It’s your life and it’s time to start living it freely, fully and joyfully!
There's no more time for wasted time. This is YOUR trip around the sun!
Make it count. Make it matter. Make it so satisfying and full of every joy you desire. So that when you get to the end of your life, and you look back, you say “DAMN, THAT WAS FANTASTIC JOYRIDE!! I lived and loved EXACTLY how I wanted to!
I Work With Clients via Phone or Zoom
So location is never a limitation and you never have to find a parking spot! You get the support and solutions you need right from the comfort and privacy of your own home or office.
Private Personal Mentoring Sessions are scheduled Monday to Thursday 12:30 pm to 5:30 pm PT with evening sessions available Tuesday and Wednesday.
Each private session is 55 minutes and is scheduled weekly
with one week of implementation off each month, to integrate what you’ve learned and initiate any steps needed to move forward.
Now is your time to claim the life you truly want for yourself.
The life where you love yourself, trust and believe in yourself.
The life where you feel loved, where you know your worth and you unapologetically allow yourself
to receive abundance, grace, vitality and copious amounts of guilt-free joy.
It's time to live your life - really live it.
There are three pricing options available. Choose the best option for you to get started.
After you click on your preferred pricing you’ll be directed to the payment page.
You'll then receive an email with a link to fill out your Intake Form and book your first session.
I look forward to talking with you soon and supporting you in experiencing a new level of
abundant, empowered joy!
“You've helped me let go of so much pain from my past and helped me feel safe living my life without the drama. I’ve even let myself start having fun without feeling guilty or worrying that the other shoe will drop.”
“You saw right through the lies I was telling myself and showed me what they were costing me. I finally know I’m worthy of feeling good
and living my life the way I want.
Thank you.”
“You helped me to see how I was making everything in my life and relationships hard, so that I could feel like I deserved the happiness of it. Thank you for helping me realize this.
It’s changed me.”
You’re in the right place and will benefit from PRIVATE MENTORING if any of these feel familiar…
…You feel stuck or that your life is on repeat and you want to know what to do to break this disappointing or painful cycle so you can truly change your life for the better this time
…You’ve been silently unhappy for a long time and you don’t want another decade to slip by. The time has come to do something about it
… Fear and scarcity often hijack your mind and nervous system leaving you anxious and overwhelmed. You crave calm, peace, serenity, stability, abundance and ease.
… You hide feelings of insecurity and unworthiness behind a brave smile, but you’re tired of holding up the facade and suffering silently. You want to be real. And live a really good life.
…You’ve struggled with the pain of hopelessness, self-doubt and self-loathing, but you know this has to change for your life to change. You want to learn how.
…You’re tired of kissing frogs and being lonely and you want real love and a lasting, quality relationship
…You’ve endured a heartbreak or are dealing with betrayal and need to know what to do to heal and move forward
…You’ve suffered a relationship with a narcissist and you need support recovering your strength, sanity and self-worth along with new, healthy coping mechanisms to move onward
…You’ve been through a divorce and need to heal and put the pieces of your Self and your new life together to make the rest of your life, the best of your life
…You worry about the future and spend too much time in the past, and you’re ready to stop doing both, so you can be present and not miss out on living anymore of your life
Q. What if I sign up and then decide mentoring is not for me?
Mentoring is something you do for yourself. To better your life. To allow the desired change you crave. To give yourself the opportunity of being who you want and living the life you came here to live. It takes courage and a commitment to yourself. It starts with a decision to honor yourself. As such, be clear on your decision to sign up, then show up for yourself and see the process through to its possibility.
Q. Do you offer refunds if I change my mind?
No. As your Coach and Personal Mentor, holding you accountable to your commitment to yourself is essential to you realizing and experiencing the results and desires you want. Once you make the decision to experience a new future, different from your past, give yourself the opportunity to do just that. Stay the course. For you. I’m not giving up on you. And you needn’t either. I will hold the space and provide the support to see you through the fear of creating the real change and desired results that you will end up being overjoyed and grateful you made for yourself and your life.
Q. What if I need to reschedule a session?
Sessions are scheduled in advance to ensure you get the time slot that works best for you. Should you need to reschedule, please do so with a minimum of 24 hours notice out of respect for my schedule.
Q. What if something comes up and I’m not able to get all my sessions scheduled within the three month time frame?
I understand things come up. If needed we can arrange for an additional month to complete your private mentoring sessions.
Q. How do the two and three payment options work?
The first payment is made upon registration, the additional payments are made in two week increments after that. Payments are automatic using your preferred method of payment.
Q. Can I purchase the Private Energy Session separately?
Yes. There are limited spaces available for the Private CCT™ Energy Reset Sessions each month and they generally fill up quickly. Visit THIS PAGE to learn more, purchase and schedule your Private CCT™ Energy Reset Session for the next available time that works for you.
Q. I don’t believe in a higher power or souls or things that I can’t see, like the law of attraction. Can you still help me?
I would recommend that I am not the right Mentor for you. The personal development work I do with women is based in science, neuroscience, positive psychology and neuroplasticity. As well as metaphysics, the study of energy and the effects and use of the Universal Law of Attraction. And to address the whole person, along with our mind, body and heart, we talk about our soul and our connection to a Higher Power. As such, I’m not the right Mentor/Coach for you.
Everything you desire for yourself...
And may not even know you desire for yourself, will be discovered and experienced as a result of understanding and valuing yourself.
You didn’t come to this life to struggle, sacrifice, settle or make do.
And you didn’t come to live according to other people’s agendas or expectations.
You came to live YOUR life...
And to be fully and unapologetically yourself
Time passes. This is a guarantee.
At the end of your life, one thing will determine how you feel about your life…did you live the life you came for?
I want it to be a resounding “YES!” for you.
No regrets. Only amazing memories and heartfelt joy for a well lived life!
This is the end of the scroll.
If you've read this far, it's because something inside you knows it’s time, and knows that what you want
is on the other side of the fear and the steps to get there. I know how to get you through the fear and what steps to take.
We’ll do this together. Take my hand. Let’s get you the life and the happiness you want!
There are three pricing options available . Choose the best option for you to get started.
REACH OUT ANYTIME AT [email protected]
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